Automate Your Data Engineering with AI

Prompt-to-SQL + instant charts and dashboards. Build a data pipeline in seconds with our OpenAI-powered chatbot.

Decentralized data backend for dapps

Ask any question about data from any source

App Developers

Publish sub-second ZK-proven query results to APIs, dashboards, and ML/AI models with a single click.

Business Analysts

Power realtime analytics and dashboards for your business without writing a single line of code.

Data Engineers

Generate automatic pipelines, dashboards, and natural-language queries with Houston, our OpenAI chatbot.

OpenAI-Powered Data Studio

Natural language
SQL or Python scripts

Generate code in seconds with our OpenAI-powered chatbot. Write queries like “show me all users that made a transaction in the last hour.”

Brand your dashboard
to your business

Power beautiful dashboards with Space and Time’s scalable, low-cost analytic engine. Customize your dashboard to reflect your brand.

Automatic charts
and visualizations

Publish your queries to APIs, dashboards, applications, and other databases automatically with OpenAI.

Space and Time is a decentralized replacement for your blockchain indexing service, database, data warehouse, and API servers.

HTAP Data Warehouse

Space and Time supports low-latency OLTP and OLAP at cluster scale. Run any query workload and power applications, APIs, analytics, dashboards, and ML/AI models in a one massive cluster.

Verifiable Data Platform

Space and Time uses a novel  ZK proof to guarantee that your query results are accurate and tamperproof.

Flexible connections

Access Space and Time in your preferred environment.